Monday, March 10, 2008

KNL Photo of the Month

Hurray! My photo submission for the Kayak Newfoundland and Labrador (KNL) photo of the month contest won first place.

If you want to see a few more pictures from this kayak trip, you can look back through my archives through July.
However it was not without a bit of controversy on the KNL Google Newsgroup. Some felt it was not a good idea to post pictures of kayaks near icebergs on the KNL website; If people want to take risks and go near icebergs, thats their decision, but KNL should not show them.
KNL decided to post the picture, with a disclaimer. Good choice.
Michael Kay has a very interesting post about sport and risk, where he touches on the issue of icebergs and kayaks. Check it out.
Also Alison Dyer was nice enough to post my picture on her blog, Thanks Alison!
Anyways, bring on the spring!
Rock over London, Rock on Chicago


  1. Great picture! Naturally I voted for it so it was a sure thing after that... ;-) I agree that bergs can be dangerous, especially the ones with bears on them. Nice to see some 'real' Newfoundland kayaks in your pictures as well!


  2. Hi Michael, thanks for positive comments and the vote! I also try to stay away from bergs with bears on them :-)

    Great blog by the way.

