Thursday, May 15, 2008

UNESCO World Heritage Sites

Another non kayaking post. I got back from Cuba a week ago, and have not seen teh sunshine since. Its been cold, wet and windy, with no end in sight. So I have to think about other things to get me by until the weather clears. Last summer, I had the opportunity to paddle in Notre Dame bay with Brian Searwar, from Gander, and we got to chatting about travel, and he mentioned to me how he likes to visit UNESCO World Heritage Sites around the world, and that got me thinking it was a good idea. So I started to take stock of where I'd been so far, and how many there are for me to see, and there are a lot! Now when I plan my holidays, I try to take in one or two, depending on where I go. The website for UNESCO is, have a look for yourelf, and start your list. We have 2 here in Newfoundand & Labrador, Gros Morne National Park, and the viking site at L'anse Aux Meadows. I also hear the Basque whaling site in Red Bay is close to getting UNESCO world heritage status. I highly recommend to everyone to go out and see all of these you can see. Here is my list so far:

1. Gros Morne National Park, NL Canada

2. L'anse Aux Meadows National Historic Site, NL Canada

3. Old Lunenberg, NS Canada

4. Canadian Rocky Mountain National Parks (photo not mine, it was taken from the moraine lake website. I was there before digital cameras were around)
5. Belize Barrier Reef System. Angie and her parents looking out over the rail of a cruise ship at the reef. I didn't get to snorkel there, just floated over it in a motorboat :-(

6. Westminster Abbey, London UK

7. Tower of London, UK

8. Banks of Seine River, Paris France

9. Old Havana, Cuba

Rock over London, Rock on Chicago

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