Thursday, May 18, 2017

Belize Trip - Day #1 Tobacco Caye to Water Caye

We were eager to get going on our way, so as soon as we had our boats packed, we hit the water to head west to Tobacco Range to do some exploring.

A scan of the area from British Admiralty Charte #1797

Our route for day #1
Tobacco Caye Paradise. You can camp here for $10 per person/per night
Or you can rent one of these for $35 per person/per night. Not bad!
Heading to Tobacco Range
You can see a stand of palm trees on Tobacco Range, which is the only place to camp on this island. You could camp here for free from what I understand, but it didn't look like the nicest place in the world to camp. Also, there are lots of mangroves in this area, meaning lots of bugs, which could make for an unpleasant night if there is no wind.

Landing to check out the island
Me trying to break open a coconut. The entire trip Rob was determined to get a good coconut, which proved to be easier said than done!
Heading south on the western side of the range
Fishing shacks on Tobacco Range
After exploring Tobacco Range we decided to head towards Water Caye to camp for the night. instead of just heading straight for it, we paddled back over to the reef and followed along side it the whole way south. You can hear the constant roar of waves breaking against the reef, it is amazing the shelter that it provides. Don't be tempted to get out of your boat and walk on the reef, that is strictly forbidden and carries a pretty hefty fine if you are caught.

The Belize Barrier Reef
Water Caye
On Water Caye, we camped at Rick's place, which I believe is called Bamboo Camp. Rick is from New Jersey originally, but his mother was from Belize. He left the chaos of the US to live on and island in the Caribbean. Not a bad idea! Rick and his family were very friendly and helpful. Camping there is $20 per person/per night.

The beach at Rick's place. We arrived just as the sun was going down
Rick's house. You can see the cisterns used for storing rainwater, and the shower setup on the right
Ricks 'Living Room', and his dog

Our campground
Not bad!
Sunset on day #1. We spent the evening on the dock sipping rum and planning the next days snorkeling.

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