What a windy summer it has been. Every day, it seems to blow 50kms/hr, making it really tough to get out paddling on the weekends. I've been going down to the pond behind my house most evenings, where it sheltered.
Last weekend me, Angie, Trent and Andrea went for a paddle in Cupids, but it was really windy once we got outside the harbour, so we had to turn around. Paddling into headwinds isn't much fun! I took a picture from the beach, but didn't take any more once we were on the water, it was too windy to take my hands off the paddle. We did see 2 whales (or the same whale twice) but they were a few hundred metres off in the distance.

After that, we headed back to our place for a little pond practise.

Last week, I got a chance to paddle Middle Cove with Trent for an hour or so, but I didn't have my camera with me. It was a bit of a spur of the moment paddle, with a borrowed boat, but I was really happy to get out on the water when there were no winds.
Rock Over London, Rock on Chicago