My wife is in the Dominican Republic with her friends, my daughter is with her grandparents, so that for me means: paddle as much as possible. After dropping Heidi off in Chance Cove me and Chislett hit the water in Chapel Arm for a few hours in the afternoon. There was a bit of a breeze and some dandy wind waves to play in. We paddled on the eastern side of the arm as far as Little Ridge, where we stopped for a short lunch, then surfed our way back to the slipway. As a bonus, on our way back a minke whale surfaced right behind us! Scared the crap out of me, but was awesome all the same :-)
Altogether about 8kms and just under 2 hrs. Here are a few pics.
Getting ready to leave the slipway |
Short stop in Spread Eagle beach |
Lovely waterfall |
Hanging out under a cliff |
Looking back at Chapel Arm from Little Ridge |
Spent a few nights out in little ridge in my youth lol. I'm surprised there aint a cabin out there yet.
There used to be a barn shaped cabin back in the woods there when I was a kid, not sure if its still there. Its a pretty popular spot for the boating community. always lots of crab legs, lobster shells and mussell shells on the beach there.
When I used to visit Chapel Arm back in the 80's, there used to be horses at Little Ridge.
Are they still there?
I also remember horses being there when I was a kid, but I can't recall seeing any horses there since I started kayaking there (the last 10 years)
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