This was my favorite beach when I was a kid. Its just down the road from my grandparents house in Norman's Cove. I'd spend hours skipping rocks, catching conners, sculpins and flatties, having boil ups.....all the fun stuff us Newfie kids did to pass away the summer days. Last week I got out for a quick paddle in Chapel Arm, and I thought I'd paddle down to my old stomping ground, and when I rounded the point I was shocked to see a huge breakwater bulldozed down through the middle of it and the grassy field above the beach now graded over with crushed stone. Bummer.
Nice post.
Things sure do change. Places I thought no one would ever build a house in my hometown there are subdivisions now. I hardly remember the small town where everyone knew everyone and our bridge only took one car one way! now its full of townies. With a condo going up here shortly.
Thanks for the comment Lee. Its unreal how much the shore and whitbourne area have boomed in the past 3 years. Long Harbour has really changed things for the Avalon. Real Estate has gone through the roof, and home construction now costs a fortune for labour. We are turning into Fort Mac down here.
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